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At last but not at least

At last....

How do you feel after reading all that stuff ?


1. Only curious.Curiosity is an entertainment business. We are happy that you enjoyed the visit. Come back from time to time to see news and views. If you have a comment or suggestion to make, do it and send it to us. Critics of any kind are welcome, if the language and manners are polite.

2. You remember to have passed through similar events and want to share it with us. Do not refrain yourself to do it. Your privacy and need of  anonimity will be respected.

3. You are a scientist or a student interested to be involved into the future in a project research which will  study this phenomena. Jot a phew words about you and send it to us.

4. Have you seen or read a scientific work treating the same subject.. Or an essay or a speculation...  or  or a newspaper, or a novel...Could you cite the source ?

5.Would you like to  act as a sponsor to sustain such a research ? Make it known to us.


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A formal action project will be displayed on this site soon. Please revisit it.

 Thank you for your patience.

As I promised a medal will be awarded to patient readers. Those who consider themselves to be so, may go back to the home page to copy and download the medal to their computer.Congratulations !

